This poem was written 2 & a half years ago... It was for an assignment I had in a poetry workshop... The group of us were all sitting in desk arranged in this huge circle. The professor asked us to take out one random item (whether it be from a bag, pocket, purse, etc.) and give it to the student sitting across from us. Whatever was on your desk, you had to write a poem about it, or include it in a poem. I gave someone a Miami Heat hat I had on that day. A guy sitting across from me gave me a karabiner with keys on it. Ironically (considering my accident and all the drama afterward), I came up with this:
Why Did He Give Me Keys?
I asked for them myself
A karabiner is given
And it’s destined for death
Because of what’s on my breath
It’s a lethal mistake
We’re in a place where
Walls spin counterclockwise, where
Eyes are either wide or shut, where
Vibrations of the earth are not made
from moving plates, but rather from
the sweet escape musical notes will
take one to.
A screamed announcement
Starts the stumbling stampede
And you hand me the keys to my Hyundai
Thank you for everything
My funeral’s on Monday