A Heartfelt Welcome

To those of you who call me friend, those of you that call me love, those of you who call me brother, those of you that call me son, those of you who call me hero, & those of you who don't know me at all: I welcome you to the mind of a man who's destined to save the world...
1 word at a time.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why We Sing

We are human

We were created to do this
We own vocal chords &
possess the ability to make noise
We learned our ABCs that way

We blew bubbles in our chocolate milk,
jumped in Mommy's bed after she made it,
and ate our own boogers
We were children

We are young & old
and somewhere in between

We were born to Songs In The Key of Life
lived through Songs In A Minor
& we die to hymnals & prayers

We have memories

We need to continue legacies

We smile
We laugh
We are horrible at this
We are amused by how horrible we are at this

We are angry
We have at least 3 people
from our jobs
that we feel
need to die
We must get rid of this murderous feeling
We need to keep from screaming

We want someone to hear us

We know no one is listening

We want to be loved
We love others
We love curse words and crude conversations
We love love
We love hate
We hate
We hate
We hate guys & girls
We surely hate you

We hate ourselves

We can't see the tears coming down our eyes
so we gotta let the song cry
We are not Jay-Z
We cannot rap

We are guilty
We are heartbroken
We are orphans
We are pregnant & married
Single & divorce
We are back in love again

We are sneaky seductive sexpots
who know exactly what to do
with you in the palm of our hand

We want to impress

We want to express

We dance write drink eat
We are content angelic spirits
We wish to one day see our deity

We burn beats
bruise rhythms
itch lyrics
scratch harmonies
bleed melodies
and cry in chords

We are music

As I said
We are human

We breathe
We live
We are alive

and most importantly

We shower
(at least I do)
because man oh man
do we sound
acoustically amazing there

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling the incredibly simplicity of how you arranged these complex ideas, but if you're open to constructive criticism (I only mean it with the best intentions)- I'd remove some of the opening we's to just allow the ideas and concepts to flow.
