A Heartfelt Welcome

To those of you who call me friend, those of you that call me love, those of you who call me brother, those of you that call me son, those of you who call me hero, & those of you who don't know me at all: I welcome you to the mind of a man who's destined to save the world...
1 word at a time.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

From: Her / To: Me (Love Letter)

I love how weird I thought you were when I met you
Not because of your personality or anything
but because you like to cuddle

I really love your poetry

I love the way you hold my hand
I love when you kiss my forehead
I love when you give me you jacket if I'm cold
I love when you let me take naps
for as long as I like
and if I do fall asleep
you always manage
to take my glasses off
without waking me

I love how much you love music
and how you know the words
to every song released before
the year 2000
I love how much you love comic books
and superheroes
and how you secretly want to be one
(I'm sorry, You ARE one!)

And I really love your poetry

I love that you want my opinion on your clothes
but you'll still wear
a Game of Thrones or Looney Tunes t-shirt
regardless of what I say
I love how silly you are at anytime
but you still know exactly
when to be serious

I love how you can be so selfless
in a world that's so selfish
How all your friends love you
How all my friends love you
How my parents call you their second child
the son they never had
Actually it creeps me out, it's disgusting
Stop it...
Stop being so damn adorable
I love how you can't help that

But I really love your poetry

I love how you're ok with a healthy amount
of our relationship being based on food
That you let me (keyword: let me)
be a better cook
That you accept my grumpiness
when I haven't eaten
and that you love when I refer to myself
as "The Baby" when this occurs

I love that you are willing to spend
your last dime on me...
Especially when "The Baby" is hungry

I love the sacrifices
the changes you've made for me
How you enjoy reality TV with me
(yes, a select few shows, I know)
How you used to be scared of dogs up
until we had our own
and even after she was gone
you still want another
(We are not naming your beagle Shiloh... smh)
You even changed the way you wear your hats
just for me
just because I found it sexy

I love the little things
Like how you make cups of tea
the way you look at me when I'm getting ready
when you give me the tiniest onion ring from your plate
how you console me
even when I don't want you near me
because you know it's what I need

But most of all
I love your poetry
I don't exactly mean your creative use of words
I mean the way you love me
the things you do for me

You have turned me
into one of your
Grand Slam winning pieces
And I want you to
Please just
allow your heart
to keep beating
to keep writing
for me


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