A Heartfelt Welcome

To those of you who call me friend, those of you that call me love, those of you who call me brother, those of you that call me son, those of you who call me hero, & those of you who don't know me at all: I welcome you to the mind of a man who's destined to save the world...
1 word at a time.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Prompt With Josh

I'm trying to keep my eyes clean

Not saying I want to go fully Ray Charles
To the things I see
But maybe Stevie Wonder
Blind in appearance
But underneath the shades
I can see just fine

My glasses are a filter
Sifting through the hate and lies
Allowing people to sympathize
What seems to be pain

Is it really a roux?
Is it a hoax?
Pretending to be blind to the b.s.
But actually fully grasping
the concept of the world today
Acting as if everything is alright
regardless of a condition that
appears to be there but isn't
in my eyes anyway
Giving hope to the blind
The naive

That's debatable

But I just want to keep my eyes clean

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